Wednesday, December 26, 2012

October 26, 2012

I finished the fence on my Inca table saw.  Check the top-nav for a link to that page.

October 3, 2012

Broadband access to my neighborhood in Southwest Portland is limited to one vendor: Comcast.  They have a lock on wired broadband and exploit that in their pricing.  Comcast's offerings include broadband, cable TV, and telephone services all based upon their wire-based infrastructure.  They have competitors in TV and Telephone (dish network and Century Link, respectively), but not in broadband Ethernet.

What can the consumer do to foster competitive service offerings?

  • Clear is available for wireless broadband, but not effective for the large-scale streaming that would be required to turn off Comcast's TV service.
  • DSL is not an option.
  • Dish Network will provide TV, but not broadband.
  • Don't really care about telephone, but need a land line for alarm monitoring.